Our History

Beaverlodge Boys and Girls Camp Society 

In 1953 and 1954 camps were held in the original Adams cabin on the Red Willow River. Some people recognized a need for bigger and better facilities and on January 27th 1955 an organizational meeting was held at St. Luke’s rectory to discuss possibilities. On February 6th 1955 the Beaverlodge Boys and Girls Camp Society was formed.

The original cookhouse was purchased in 1955 for $600.00. It had bunks and quickly became a multi-purpose building. (picture in gallery)

With the help of many volunteers and donations, buildings were moved in, the ball diamonds were built and camps were held. A girls camp with 62 campers and a boys camp with 51.

In June 1956 a donation of tents fell through and the members said “good, now we must erect our own building”. This is the wolf cabin you see at the camp today.

Camps were held annually when enough kids were interested and volunteers were available. When TV came out camps were put on hold for a few years due to lack of interest.

Red Willow Boys and Girls Camp still has kids camps each summer and has grown to be used for Reunions, weddings, birthday parties and other kinds of events.

Over the years Red Willow Boys and Girls camp has grown to include camping spots. In 2012 power was added to all camping spots. In 2015 one of the outhouses was reconstructed to a much larger size, the walkways around the kitchen and dining hall were repaired and the day use area became fully wheelchair accessible.